Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spring Break, and much much more...

So, ummm. I haven't blogged all year. How crazy. It is now 2012, the last year of earth, according to they Mayans, and the year that I graduate from high school. Who knew? Not only is it 2012, but it's also the last day of spring break. Aaaaaand, I have a boyfriend. It's like a whole new Becky or something. So lets break this post into three sections: What's Happened, What's Goin' On At Present, and Coming Soon!... We'll even add a "Just 'Cause" section at the end, instead of credits.

What's Happened?
Well, my birthday, for one. I am now 18 years of age... I be legal, scary stuff. Semester Tests have happened. I ended the semester with a 3.5 cumulative GPA. I got an acceptance letter from Arkansas State University, and Virginia Commonwealth University, and an A-State Pride Scholarship from the former. I got my prom dress, which I can't really breath in, but air is for losers anyways, right? I also got my prom date, who is also my boyfriend. And I shall tell you bought him later. That is about all the important stuff that's happened of late.

What's Goin' On At Present?
SPRING BREAK, THAT'S WHAT!!! Granted, today is the last day of said break, but still. I am currently typing up this blog, and arguing with the boy, on which on of us is the crazier (that would be me, heehee) and procrastinating, as I should be studying for a unit test in AP U.S. History... I reaaaally don't want to study. I'm trying to maintain my GPA so that I can keep my scholarship from A-State, as well as waiting to here from VCU, on whether or not I have a scholarship to go there. If I don't have nearly a full ride, than there is no way I could afford to go there, which is a real bummer since their art department is soooo wonderful.
Now, for all you saps out there, lets talk about the boy: He's got a rough-ish half-smile, which I adore, he's EXTREMELY tall, and has a horrible habit of calling me shortness, and for whatever reason, thinks I'm cute. He's brilliant but wont admit it, and has an odd taste in cereal. And I like his eyes, a lot. I know more about him, but I shall reveal no more, 'cause you'd get all jealous and such if I did (because this thing definitely has an audience... right).

Coming Soon!
Prom, Graduation, word from VCU, AP Tests, a wonderful art club field trip to Crystal Bridges, and lots and lots of essays. Also, a little bit of kissing (EWWW COOTIES!!! heehee)

Just 'Cause:
You know how there are all those 'Women belong in the kitchen' jokes circulating the internet? Well to me they seem a little... stupid. Any smart woman knows that the kitchen is the epitome of armories. You've got frying pans and iron skillets, a large assortment of knives, and a stove. Cook up something real hot to throw at the poor insulting bozo, and tah dah, new weapon. It's practically an in-house torture chamber, and still men say, "Go to the kitchen and make me a sammich, woman!" Stupid men. And there ya have it folks, Becky's life at present, and a strange interpretation to go with it. Enjoy!