Thursday, March 24, 2011

A little about me...

Welcome to my blog. This is my second blog, my other blog is for my AP English Class, if you wanna check it out anyways, click here.

This blog if just for me to express my thoughts, and be me. I probably wont blog much, because I'm scatterbrained, and slightly forgetful. But if I randomly feel the need to express myself, this will be where it happens. I love to read, and I'm an artist - i love all mediums, but my best is probably graphite. If you'd like to see my personal website, or as I like to call it "My Online Gallery" go here. This has most of my artwork, as well as my photography, but again, I'm scatterbrained, so it doesn't get updated all that much.

I'm extremely nerdy, and I'm currently taking two advanced classes, U.S. History and English. I'm a junior in high school, and I'm hoping to go to Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University when I graduate.... but it's kind of expensive, so I'm trying to get a scholarship.

I'm a bookworm who really loves the classics, like Jane Austen books: Pride and Prejudice in particular; I've also read Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling... twice; I love, love, love Gone with the Wind, and felt that Scarlett was an extreme let down. I'm currently reading the Lord of the Rings series, and after that I plan on reading the complete and unabridged version of Les Miserables by Victor Hugo.

I'm sarcastic, and I often come across as rude because I call it like I see it, and I'm brutally honest. For an artist, I'm pretty down to Earth, and I try to keep my idiotic, girly emotions to myself. Just recently, I was dubbed Jo, from Little Women - another of my favorites - based on my tomboy attitude. One of my friends even tried to teach me how to waltz... I didn't go well. I've also been nicknamed "The Voice of Reason" based on my logical outlook when it comes to relationships. I believe that the heart can easily be lead astray, causing dependence on the mind when making important decisions. My belief system is transferred into all my advice, and I'm usually the one friends come to when having girlfriend/boyfriend issues. I'm painfully observant, and can usually pin someones personality, just by how they walk, talk, and behave themselves. I'm also a firm believer in setting goals so high, that even if you fall short, you're still among the stars. I've been known to push myself, and others to reach their goals, and hopefully, their full potential.

Now to the really important part... My faith. I'm a Jesus Freak, I love Jesus with all my heart, and will follow him anywhere. I believe His love is the strongest thing in the universe, and because of it, I am able to be purified, despite my many, many faults. He will care for me always, just as he cares for you. I personally hate the word "religion." To me, religion is the act of going to church, singing songs, and claiming to be His own. But it stops there: just outside the church doors. I want to live beyond Sunday Morning Christianity... into a relationship, that extends the borders of church, and seeps through every pore of my being. At least that's my goal.

I have a lot to share, If I can remember to share it... tonight I'll probably post more then most nights, but hopefully I'll remember to let the world know some of my crazy thoughts once a week. Toodles.

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