Sunday, September 4, 2011

Temperamental clothing?

There are a series of mysterious occurrences that happen in my house on a daily bases. One of theses said occurrences takes place quite often, and usually in my room. This is the mystery of temperamental clothing. Today I scurried about my room picking up clothing to wash for the next couple of days, and usually socks are the temperamental creatures of this ritual, scampering off, as if to say "NO! I refuse to have a bath, I would much rather remain stinky and sweaty and intolerable!" but today, my white top went missing instead. Like a small toddler, stomping off into who-knows-where, refusing to be worn, or even be considered to be worn.

Another interesting mystery that takes place, is that of the disappearing, reappearing cat of mine. His name is Gus Gus, and he is a hyperactive orange fuzz-ball who enjoys romping about the house in a very noisy fashion (the noise makes quite an alarm clock at three o'clock in the morning), agitating the dog by sitting in his food bowl (does he want to be eaten?), and demolishing boxes by chewing off bits and pieces and littering them about my living room (Not fun to clean up.) I have observed his tunneling through bed sheets, and blankets, and have begun to wonder if he has created a tunnel system beneath the floor. I have theorized this based the fact that he pops out of nowhere, and the retreats in the blink of the eye without making any noise what-so-ever. Which leads me to conclude, he is either mimicking the behavior of gophers and meerkats, or he is some form of orange ninja. He also has a knack for finding things around our house that we did not even realize existed. Such as long lost ribbons, or bottle caps from two years ago. Where does he find these things? He is also a little thief, who steals bottle caps, and HAIR TIES. My. Hair. Ties. And he has a stash, a fortress that I have not yet been able to penetrate. But I shall! Even if I have to involve battering rams, grappling hooks, or spies.

Of course, theses mysteries aren't really mysteries, just things I haven't exactly figured out yet. And there will always be things I haven't figured out, and there will always be things that my cat will find necessary to steal away. For "that is the way of things." (yay yoda)

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