Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Paragraph about Frisky Clocks

I have come to the conclusion that throughout my house there are many commonplace electronics that have developed their very own personalities. The best and primary example is the relationship between my clocks and thunderstorms. The night before last – or rather, early morning before last – a thunderstorm caused the power to go out. Most of the electronic clocks, such as the clock on the electric stove, decided to assume that the lack of power was merely a flicker and that they would only be a minute or so off from the correct time if they simply continued linearly from the last known time they portrayed before the shortage. Where-as my alarm clock gives up all hope, and upon the return of electricity to my house, it restarts to 12am, midnight, and continues on time from that point in time. When I awoke at 6:45, my alarm informed me that it was only 2 in the morning, and that I should go back to bed, while my stove clock told me that I had previously been misinformed and that it was actually 5:30, however my alarm was correct in the fact that I should go back to bed. Luckily, my cellular phone is not quite so melodramatic over temporary loss of power, and relayed the actually time to me from a satellite, and that I should not go back to bed, because I was in great danger of being late. Now, after a day of calm, dreary, nimbostratus filled weather, it has begun thundering again, and I’ve decide to rely on my cell phone as an alarm system rather then the usually, although louder, methods of enforced wakening. Thankfully my mom got up this morning, or I would’ve slept in till noon. 

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